Aspen Center for Physics
Winter Conference Frontiers of Unconventional and High Temperature Superconductivity
February 23-28, 2025

Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conference
Frontiers of Unconventional and

High Temperature Superconductivity
February 23-28, 2025

Rationale and Scope:

This winter conference will bring together communities interested in a variety of systems for high temperature or unconventional superconductivity. The recent discoveries of high temperature superconductivity in the nickelates have brought renewed intensity to the interest in this problem. A number of emerging phenomena experimentally reported as well as theoretical ideas developed are highly reminiscent of those of other established unconventional superconductors such as the copper oxides, iron pnictides, and the heavy fermions. This is therefore a particularly opportune time to bring together the communities working on these superconducting families to identify and develop the common threads across the recently discovered nickelate superconductors, new advances on the iron-based superconductors, and major new insights for strange metallicity and superconductivity in the copper-based and heavy fermion superconductors.

The conference will

  • Highlight the extensive recent experimental and theoretical developments in each of the material systems, with an emphasis on the nickelates.
  • Identify the phenomena that are common across the materials platforms for unconventional superconductivity, highlight the emerging principles with the potential to unify their understanding, and develop overarching perspectives that may advance progress towards yet more unconventional superconducting phenomena.

Dates: February 23-28, 2025

Location: Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado


Program: Link to pdf:


2025 Aspen Winter Conference

New Frontiers of Unconventional and High Temperature Superconductivity

Sunday, Feb 23:

5 pm—7 pm Reception at the ACP

Monday, Feb 24 morning:

Session I: Nickel-based superconductivity—mostly infinite layers

Discussion Leader: Harold Hwang (Stanford U.)

8:30—8:40 Harold Hwang (Stanford U.)

“Perspective and Overview”

8:40—9:00 Berit Goodge (MPI Dresden)

Structure, spectroscopy, and pairing symmetry: what electrons tell us about nickelate superconductivity

9:00—9:10 Discussion

9:10—9:30 Yuefeng Nie (Nanjing U.)

Electronic structure of superconducting infinite-layer lanthanum nickelates

9:30—9:40 Discussion

9:40—10:10 Coffee break

10:10—10:30 Kyle Shen (Cornell U.)

Studies of charge ordering and superconductivity in the parent infinite layer nickelates

10:30—10:40 Discussion

10:40—11:00 Julia Mundy (Harvard U.)

Superconducting phase diagram of multi-layer square-planar nickelates

11:00—11:10 Discussion

Monday, Feb 24 afternoon:

Session 2: Heavy fermion superconductivity

Discussion Leader: Piers Coleman (Rutgers U.)

4:30—4:40 Piers Coleman

“Perspective and Overview”

4:40—5:00 Silke Paschen (TU Vienna)

Strange metal characteristics of heavy fermion compounds

5:00—5:10 Discussion

5:10—5:30 Haoyu Hu (DIPC)

Unconventional superconductivity from strange metals

5:30—5:40 Discussion

5:40—6:10 Snack break

6:10—6:30 Greg Stewart (U. Florida)

Impurity level as a tool in determining ‘unconventionality’ in a superconductor

6:30—6:40 Discussion

6:40—7:00 Priscila Rosa (LANL)

Unconventional superconductivity in actinide materials

7:00—7:10 Discussion

Tuesday, Feb 25 morning:

Session 3: Cuprate superconductivity – Panel, highlights of the past 10 years

Moderators: Suchitra Sebastian (Cambridge U.), Qimiao Si (Rice U.)

8:30—8:50 Zhi-Xun Shen (Stanford U.)

Panel discussion: ARPES of the high Tc cuprates

8:50—8:55 Discussion

8:55—9:15 Bernhard Keimer (MPI Stuttgart)

“Panel discussion: Neutron/X-ray scattering of the high Tc cuprates”

9:15—9:20 Discussion

9:20—9:50 Coffee break

9:50—10:10 Nigel Hussey (U. Bristol)

“Panel discussion: Transport of the high Tc cuprates and the case for a quantum critical phase”

10:10—10:15 Discussion

10:15—11:10 Wrap-up discussion

Tuesday, Feb 25 afternoon:

Session 4: Theory I

4:30—4:50 Steven Kivelson (Stanford U.)

“The role of phase ordering in the superconducting dome of the cuprates

4:50—5:00 Discussion

5:00—5:20 Senthil Todadri (MIT)

“Superconductivity and the (fractional) quantum anomalous Hall effect”

5:20—5:30 Discussion

Session 5: Poster session I

5:30—8:30 Poster session I + Pizza on site

Wednesday, Feb 26 morning:

Session 6: Iron-based superconductivity

Discussion Leader: Pengcheng Dai (Rice U.)

8:30—8:40 Pengcheng Dai (Rice U.)

Perspective and overview

8:40—9:00 Ian Fisher (Stanford U.)

Elastocaloric evidence for a multicomponent superconductor within the nematic state in Ba(Fe1-xCox) 2As2

9:00—9:10 Discussion

9:10—9:30 Yucheng Guo (Rice U.)

A strain-ARPES study: Momentum and orbital selective nematicity in optimally-doped BaFe2(As1-xPx)2

9:30—9:40 Discussion

9:40—10:10 Coffee break

10:10—10:30 Rong Yu (Renmin U.)

Effects of electron correlations in iron-based and nickel-based superconductors

10:30—10:40 Discussion

10:40—10:55 Liang Wu (UPenn)

Brief talk: Linear and nonlinear THz responses and Kerr effect in the topological superconductor Fe(Te,Se)

10:55—11:10 Lingyuan Kong (Caltech)

Brief talk: Observation of Cooper-Pair Density Modulation State

Wednesday, Feb 26 afternoon:

5:30 Public Lecture: Meigan Aronson (UBC)

“Quantum Phase Transitions: Hidden Patterns in Space and Time”

Thursday, Feb 27 morning:

Session 7: Organic, ruthenate and UTe2 superconductivity

Discussion Leader: Yong Baek Kim (U. Toronto)

8:30—8:40 Yong Baek Kim

“Perspective and Overview”

8:40—9:00 Kazushi Kanoda (MPI Stuttgart/U. Tokyo)

“Strange metal and unconventional superconductivity in a doped spin-liquid candidate”

9:00—9:10 Discussion

9:10—9:30 Hae-Young Kee (U. Toronto)

“Shadow triplets in correlated multi-orbital systems with spin-orbit coupling”

9:30—9:40 Discussion

9:40—10:10 Coffee break

10:10—10:30 Brad Ramshaw (Cornell U.)

“Searching for topological superconductivity in UTe2 using ultrasound.”

10:30—10:40 Discussion

10:40—11:00 Sri Raghu (Stanford U.)

“Theory of reentrant superconductivity in UTe2”

11:00—11:10 Discussion

Thursday, Feb 27 afternoon:

Session 8: Theory II

4:30—4:50 Chandra Varma (UC Irvine)

“Spontaneous boundary currents in kagome, multi-layer graphene and cuprate superconductors”

4:50—5:00 Discussion

5:00—5:20 Antia Botana (Arizona State U.)

“Electronic structure of superconducting nickelates”

5:20—5:30 Discussion

Session 9: Poster Session II

5:30—6:30 Poster Session II + Snacks

7:00 Banquet

Friday, Feb 28 morning:

Session 10: Ni-based superconductivity—mostly bilayers

Chair: Harold Hwang (Stanford U.)

8:40—9:00 Meng Wang (SYSU)

“Microscopic structure and magnetic exchange interactions of La3Ni2O7”

9:00—9:10 Discussion

9:10—9:30 Xingjiang Zhou (IOP, CAS)

“Orbital-Dependent Electron Correlation and Charge Gap Opening in La3Ni207”

9:30—9:40 Discussion

9:40—10:10 Coffee break

10:10—10:30 Liling Sun (IOP, CAS)

“Investigations of key issues on superconductivity in pressurized La3Ni207”

10:30—10:40 Discussion

10:40—10:55 BaiYang Wang (Stanford U.)

“Brief talk: Synthesis and ARPES characterization of strained La3Ni207 thin flim”


The workshop will last for five days. There will be a welcome reception on Sunday evening. The scientific program will start in the morning on Monday, February 24, and conclude by mid-day on Friday, February 28.


Harold Y. Hwang (Stanford University)
Suchitra Sebastian
(University of Cambridge)

Qimiao Si (Rice University)
Ming Yi (Rice University)

For questions on the scientific program, please contact one of the organizers.

For accommodation and other logistics questions, please contact the administrative team at the Aspen Center for Physics (