Aspen Center for Physics Winter Conference
Frontiers of Unconventional and
High Temperature Superconductivity
February 23-28, 2025
Rationale and Scope:
This winter conference will bring together communities interested in a variety of systems for high temperature or unconventional superconductivity. The recent discoveries of high temperature superconductivity in the nickelates have brought renewed intensity to the interest in this problem. A number of emerging phenomena experimentally reported as well as theoretical ideas developed are highly reminiscent of those of other established unconventional superconductors such as the copper oxides, iron pnictides, and the heavy fermions. This is therefore a particularly opportune time to bring together the communities working on these superconducting families to identify and develop the common threads across the recently discovered nickelate superconductors, new advances on the iron-based superconductors, and major new insights for strange metallicity and superconductivity in the copper-based and heavy fermion superconductors.
The conference will
- Highlight the extensive recent experimental and theoretical developments in each of the material systems, with an emphasis on the nickelates.
- Identify the phenomena that are common across the materials platforms for unconventional superconductivity, highlight the emerging principles with the potential to unify their understanding, and develop overarching perspectives that may advance progress towards yet more unconventional superconducting phenomena.
Dates: February 23-28, 2025
Location: Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, Colorado
Invited Speakers:
Theory across all topics
Anita Botana (Arizona State U.)
Steven Kivelson (Stanford U.)
Patrick A. Lee (MIT)
Sri Raghu (Stanford U.)
T. Senthil (MIT)
Chandra Varma (UC Irvine)
Nickel-based superconductivity
John Mitchell (Argonne National Laboratory)
Berit Goodge (MPI Dresden)
Julia Mundy (Harvard U.)
Yu-Feng Nie (Nanjing U.)
Kyle Shen (Cornell U.)
Liling Sun (IOP, CAS)
Meng Wang (SYSU)
Xingjiang Zhou (IOP, CAS)
Heavy fermion superconductivity
Piers Coleman (Rutgers U.)
Haoyu Hu (DIPC)
Tuson Park (Sungkyunkwan U.)
Silke Paschen (TU Vienna)
Priscilla Rosa (Los Alamos National Lab)
Cuprate superconductivity
J. C. Seamus Davis (Oxford U.)
Nigel Hussey (U. Bristol)
Bernhard Keimer (MPI Stuttgart)
Zhi-Xun Shen (Stanford U.)
Louis Taillefer (U. Sherbrooke)
Iron-based superconductivity
Pengcheng Dai (Rice University)
Ian Fisher (Stanford U.)
Yucheng Guo (Rice U.)
Rong Yu (Renmin U.)
Other unconventional superconductivity (ruthenates, organics and beyond)
Yoshi Maeno (Kyoto U.)
Kazushi Kanoda (U. Tokyo)
Hae-Young Kee (U. Toronto)
Brad Ramshaw (Cornell U.)
The workshop will last for five days. There will be a Sunday evening welcome reception. The scientific program will start in the morning on Monday, February 24, and conclude by mid-day on Friday, February 28.
Harold Y. Hwang (Stanford University)
Suchitra Sebastian (University of Cambridge)
Qimiao Si (Rice University)
Ming Yi (Rice University)
For questions on the scientific program, please contact one of the organizers.
For accommodation and other logistics questions, please contact the administrative team at the Aspen Center for Physics (