Online Workshop:
Frontiers on Unconventional Superconductivity
January 28-30, 2024
Rationale and Scope:
This workshop surveyed the field of unconventional superconductivity, which has been triggered by exciting new developments on the nickel-based systems, and in addition, featured recent activities on the cuprate, iron-based and heavy-fermion superconductors.
By broadly covering the field, the workshop aimed to identify the phenomena that are common across the materials platforms for unconventional superconductivity, highlighting the emerging principles with the potential to unify their understanding, and by developing the perspectives that may further advance the field.
The workshop, organized by the Rice University Quantum Materials initiative -- Extreme Quantum Materials Alliance (eQMA) -- brought together a diverse pool of experimental and theoretical experts on various aspects of unconventional superconductivity in strongly correlated materials. These included:
- Nickelate superconductivity – infinite-layer films and double-layer systems
- Cuprate superconductivity
- Iron-based superconductivity
- Heavy fermion quantum criticality and superconductivity
- Emerging common themes – quantum criticality, strange metallicity, orbital-selective Mott correlations, and beyond
Link to PDF:
Invited talk: 25 + 5 minutes
All times listed -- US Central Standard Time (CST)
View the completed talks on the eQMA YouTube channel:
Sunday, January 28
Session I
1:00-1:30pm Steven Hayden (Bristol U.) – “Low-energy spin fluctuations in the normal state of cuprate superconductors”
1:30-2:00pm Haoyu Hu (DIPC, San Sebastian) – “Unconventional Superconductivity from Fermi Surface Fluctuations in Strongly Correlated Metals”
2:00-2:30pm Elena Hassinger (TU Dresden) – “Controlling two-phase superconductivity in CeRh2As2”
2:30-3:00pm Peter Johnson (BNL) – “Time-reversal symmetry breaking in the Fe-chalcogenides”
Session II
8:00-8:30pm Z.X. Shen (Stanford U.) – “Latest Results from Electron-Doped Cuprates – Gossamer Fermi Surface and Anomalous Normal State Gap”
8:30-9:00pm Tuson Park (SKKU, Korea) – “Pseudogap in Ce-based heavy fermion superconductors”
9:00-9:30pm Jianwei Huang (Rice U.) – “Ubiquitous Orbital-Selective Electron Correlations in Iron-Based Superconductors and Beyond”
Monday, January 29
Session III
1:00-1:30pm Nigel Hussey (Bristol U.) – “Magnetotransport in electron-doped cuprates and extraction of the coupling parameter for superconductivity”
1:30-2:00pm Mason Klemm (Rice U.) – “Nematic superconductivity from selective orbital pairing in Fe-based superconductors”
2:00-2:30pm Mike Norman (Argonne) – “The role of dx2-y2 orbitals for layered nickelates”
2:30-3:00pm Bai Yang Wang (Stanford U.) – “Superfluid Density in the Infinite Layer Nickelates”
Session IV
8:00-8:30pm A. Ariando (NUS Singapore) – “The roles of cations and oxygen reduction to the superconductivity in infinite layer nickelates”
8:30-9:00pm Meng Wang (Sun Yat-Sen U.) – “Discovery of ~80 K nickelate superconductor”
9:00-9:30pm Liling Sun (IOP, CAS) – “Evidence of filamentary superconductivity in pressurized La3Ni2O7 single crystals”
Tuesday, January 30
Session V
1:00-1:30pm Matthias Hepting (MPI, Stuttgart) – “Unconventional layer stacking of the high-pressure superconductor La3Ni2O7”
1:30-2:00pm John Mitchell (Argonne) – “Twists, Turns, and Bumps on the Road to Nickelate Superconductivity”
2:00-2:30pm Ilya Eremin (Ruhr-U Bochum) – “Magnetic and Superconducting Instabilities in
La3Ni2O7 Under High Pressure: multilayer aspects”
Session VI
8:00-8:30pm Rong Yu (Renmin U.) – “Electron correlations and superconductivity in La3Ni2O7 under pressure tuning”
8:30-9:00pm Haihu Wen (Nanjing U.) – “Superconductivity and electronic properties in 112 and 327 nickelates”
9:00-9:30pm Xingjiang Zhou (IOP, CAS) – “Orbital-Dependent Electron Correlation in Double-Layer Nickelate La3Ni2O7”
9:30-10:00pm Taka Shibauchi (U. Tokyo) – “Exotic pairing states in FeSe-based superconductors”
Pengcheng Dai (Rice University)
Harold Hwang (Stanford University)
Qimiao Si (Rice University)
Ming Yi (Rice University)